Traditional Death-By-PowerPoint Compliance & Regulatory Training?
You’ve probably experienced training by a lawyer who slavishly dragged you through a 90-slide powerpoint. He or she may have even tried to spice it up with a few once-funny memes and cute animal pictures. The aim was to convince you, the attendee, how smart they are.
We understand that knowing the law and being able to train effectively are two different skill sets. That may explain why we have trained Australian government regulators and all of Australia’s large banks (or divisions of them), as well as participants (including professional associations) in most other financial services industry sectors.
We take a different approach to other lawyers and education providers. We:
Understand that the aim of training is to improve long-term memory-recall, which in turn creates lasting behaviour change
Ensure training is highly engaging, through the use of:
phone-based gamified technology tools
live role-plays
two-trainer methods
group-based workshops
real life examples
Types of compliance and regulatory training courses we offer:
Public Responsible Manager training open to Responsible Managers, compliance staff and directors of AFSLs and ACLs
Custom, tailored courses to your organisation – see below for more information
Our training courses, and our monthly topical webinars, can be counted towards your annual CPD requirements.
Please Note: HN Training is a business that is separate to our law firm Holley Nethercote Lawyers, but with many of the same staff. When our lawyers run training, they are not providing a legal advice or service.
Custom Training
Some of our course options
Responsible Manager (RG 105 & RG 206)
General -v- personal advice
Best interests duty
Accountants, licensing and financial advice
Contracts and competition consumer law
Advice, Design and Distribution Training for Private Credit Funds (non bank lenders)
Our Responsible Manager (RM) training is industry leading.
We run versions including Introductory, Advanced, Culture-focussed, Senior Leader-focussed, and industry-specific, for Responsible Managers, Compliance Staff and Directors of Australian Financial Services Licensees and Australian Credit Licensees. We also have a version specifically for banks.
We offer a range of AML/CTF training, including on the current AML/CTF reforms and what it means for accountants and lawyers who will be regulated under the implementation of Tranche 2.
Our course is designed for compliance officers and senior leaders. It helps regulated entities meet their annual training obligations under the AML/CTF Act 2006. It includes a practical workshop to help you develop your risk-based AML/CTF program.
It will also give you the knowledge and skills to identify the risks of regulated businesses being unwittingly involved in money laundering and/or terrorism financing, and to prepare or update your AML/CTF program for the purposes of complying with obligations under the legislation.
We run topical webinars for Responsible Managers and compliance staff every month. The topics vary, but some of the popular topics include monitoring and supervision, licensee reviews, privacy policy, and breach reporting.
Do you want ongoing support in your compliance role? With our online compliance porta, the HN Hub, you’ll be able to access all your regulatory updates, training and documents all on the one platform.
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