Our involvement in the financial services industry began with providing legal services to companies when the firm commenced in 1995.

Holley Nethercote has offices in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia.  We employ over 30 staff: big enough to provide real expertise and get things done; small enough to stay true to our service-oriented roots.

Businesses in the Holley Nethercote Group

Industries we work with

Limited Licensees and Accountants


We support both licensed and unlicensed accountants impacted by AFSL licensing. Our expertise in both accounting and financial services also allows us to provide unique support to integrated businesses. Learn more
Advice Providers

Advice Providers

We cater for advice providers in all shapes and sizes, from those providing general advice only through to full advice models covering financial advice, insurance and credit. Learn more
OTC Derivatives and CFDs Providers

CFD Providers

We have advised a vast number of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives businesses including margin Forex and CFD providers, FX businesses, wholesale liquidity platforms and liquidity providers. Learn more
Digital currency & bitcoin

Crypto Assets & Blockchain

We are a leading law firm in virtual asset, cryptocurrency, token and other digital markets. Learn more


If you're a Fintech, you'll need legal and compliance support from a firm that not only has an in-depth knowledge of financial services, but is able to take a practical approach Learn more
Money Remitters

Payments Businesses

Do you need assistance establishing and maintaining a payments business in Australia? We act for Payments service providers (PSPs), ... Learn more
Product Providers

Product Providers

Our clients range from boutique investment managers through to global investment banks and everything in between, including MDA providers, crowd funding and peer to peer lending. Learn more
Financial Services Professional Bodies, Associations & Businesses

Associations and Support Businesses

Our expertise in financial services has seen us engaged by most of Australia’s financial services industry’s professional bodies and associations to provide support to their... Learn more
Commercial Law and Corporates

Corporates (non-financial services)

We provide a comprehensive range of commercial law support to medium-large businesses, ranging from mid-sized importers to international manufacturers and franchisors. Learn more
Insights, blogs and articles written by financial services lawyers

Compliance Consultants

Compliance consultants are an essential part of the financial services eco-system, providing much needed support and services so that licensees can focus on what they... Learn more
Credit providers and mortgage brokers

Credit Providers

If you operate a mortgage fund or act as a mortgage manager, you are likely to be caught by the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009... Learn more
AFSL Wholesale

AFSL Wholesale

If you're a Fintech, you'll need legal and compliance support from a firm that not only has an in-depth knowledge of financial services, but is able to take a practical approach Learn more

Interested in a career with us?

We are always interested in growing our team of financial services and commercial law experts.  If you share the same values as us, we’d love to hear from you.

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