AFSL Wholesale

AFSL Wholesale

Are you thinking of applying for an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) or varying your current AFSL to cater to wholesale clients only?  Before you proceed, there are a few things you need to consider.

AFSL Wholesale

Australian Financial Services Licensees can only provide financial services to wholesale clients if the clients meet one of five eligibility tests.  The five eligibility tests are classified under sections 708 and 716G of the Corporations Act.  This covers:

  1. Product Value – the product being invested in or advised on has a value exceeding $500,000;
  2. Individual Wealth – a person owning net assets of $2.5 million or having a gross annual income of over $250,000 shown over two financial years, as certified by an accountant;
  3. Professional Investors – a range of institutional investors with specific attributes;
  4. Large Businesses – having more than 20 employees – or more than 100 employees if the business is or includes the manufacture of goods; and
  5. Sophisticated Investors – persons that an AFSL holder has determined to be experienced in using financial services.

To read more about the distinction between retail clients vs wholesale clients, read our article on Retail vs Wholesale Clients – Regulatory Concerns and Responses.

Corporate Finance – Expert Interview

Partner, and retail and wholesale client expert, David Court, gives a run down of the differences between retail vs wholesale clients, and what it means to provide advice to wholesale clients only.  Subscribe to the HN Hub for free to watch the full Expert Interview.


Useful resources for AFSL Wholesale businesses

Blog update
Blog update
Retail vs Wholesale Clients – Regulatory Concerns and Responses

While there have been some changes to the wholesale client eligibility criteria since 2004, we appear to be reaching a point where a more fundamental reassessment of the distinction between…

AFSL Wholesale Compliance Manual
AFSL Wholesale Compliance Manual

This Compliance Manual has been prepared for licensees that service wholesale clients only.  We recognise that many of the requirements are reduced for wholesale AFSLs and this has been taken into consideration in the manual.

Blog update
Blog update
Are changes coming to the wholesale client eligibility rules?

In a previous article we looked at various regulatory issues and concerns which have arisen with the current legal definitions of wholesale and retail clients under the Corporations Act 2001 (the "Act")…