Digital currency & bitcoin

Crypto Assets & Blockchain

Virtual Assets, Crypto Assets, Blockchain & Digital Currency Lawyers

We are one of Australia’s leading law firms in blockchain and crypto technologies so far as they impact on the financial services and credit sectors, and we act for some of the world’s largest digital currency exchanges and crypto lending and borrowing groups.

As a leading law firm in virtual asset, cryptocurrency, token and other digital markets, we:

  • Were heavily involved in consulting with AUSTRAC during the creation of Australia’s current Digital Currency Exchange (DCE) regime
  • Were the primary authors of Blockchain Australia’s Code of Conduct for Digital Currency Businesses
  • Developed legislation (not yet law) for another country’s Free Economic Zone regulating Stable Coins and secondary market trading of digital assets
  • Act for some of the world’s largest digital currency exchanges
  • Chair Blockchain Australia’s AML & Financial Crime Committee
  • Made a submission to the Select Committee on Australia as a Technology and Financial Centre about digital asset regulation and appeared at a public hearing
  • Met with Treasury and parliamentarians in the lead up to the release of the Treasury consultation paper on the licensing of crypto asset secondary service providers (CASSPr) and crypto custody requirements, and made a submission to this consultation paper

Virtual Asset Services Providers (VASPs)

Since FATF’s adoption of its Interpretive note to Recommendation 15, in June 2019, the industry is often referred to as the Virtual Asset Service Provider industry.  Our firm is involved in a number of international projects relating to digital currency regulation and best practice.

How we can help

The law surrounding digital currencies is complex and rapidly evolving.  We help participants:

Register as a Digital Currency Exchange (DCE) with AUSTRAC
Implement an AML/CTF Program
Consider Australian Financial Services Licensing
By providing due diligence letters as required by acquiring banks and other payment services providers and Card Scheme operators

Useful resources for Crypto Asset businesses

Independent Reserve Podcast
Independent Reserve Podcast

Our leading lawyer in Crypto Assets & Blockchain area Michael Mavromatis recently took part in the Independent Reserve podcast. He shares his thoughts on complexities of Bitcoin ETFs, regulatory framework of digital assets and more.

Blog Update
Blog Update
5 Frequently asked Questions about Setting up a Cryptocurrency Exchange in Australia

  Are you thinking of setting up a crypto exchange?  Given the number of enquiries we receive on this particular question, we thought it would be useful to set out…

Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
FACT SHEET: Checklist for setting up a Cryptocurrency (Virtual Asset) Exchange in Australia

Before you set up a cryptocurrency exchange… ☐  Determine the service(s) you will provide as part of your cryptocurrency exchange, and what will be traded.  For example, consider: Will you…