Rochelle Turner

LinkedinExecutive Assistant

Rochelle re-joined Holley Nethercote on a part time basis in 2021 to assist with general administration. She then moved into the role of Executive Assistant to the Partners in 2022, having worked for several law firms as a clerk, secretary and personal assistant prior to this. Rochelle’s experience has primarily been in the banking and finance area.

Started at HN


How I can help

  • Enabling the lawyers to provide timely legal advice to clients
  • Ensuring that the work day runs smoothly and efficiently
  • Making clients feel comfortable dealing with the firm

Career Achievements

  • Managing a department of law clerks to efficiently and accurately meet the needs of clients
  • Experience in different industries to develop a broad knowledge of administration practices

Favourite Quote

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Teddy Roosevelt