
Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) Applications & Variation

We understand that applying for an Australian Financial Services Licence (also referred as an AFS licence or an AFSL) with ASIC can be a very daunting process.  That’s why we have a dedicated licensing team to support you right from the beginning of the application to the end.  Our team of lawyers and consultants are also here to support you throughout the journey, whether it be with legal advice when deciding on what authorisations your business needs, or setting up compliance documents to ensure you comply with your regulatory obligations as a licensee.

AFSL Application process

Applying for an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) isn’t as simple as you may think.  There is a lot of preparation and paperwork involved; and getting it right the first time will save you a lot of time, money and headache with ASIC in the long run.  If you don’t have the time or resources to apply for an AFSL, why not let us do the hard work for you.

How we can help you apply for an AFSL

ASIC has set out in it’s Regulatory Guides (RG) RG 1, RG 2 and RG 3, all the AFSL application requirements it requires from the applicant (you).  With over 150 pages of reading material in those guides alone, it’s no wonder people outsource this task and seek expert help.  Below are some of the ways our licensing team can help you.  We can help you in:

The different types of AFSLs we’ve helped our clients obtain:

AFSL Application / Variation Packages

While we would love to provide a standard pricing for AFSL applications and variations, we’ve realised after preparing hundreds of applications over the years that standard pricing doesn’t work and it’s not a ‘one size fits all’.  Instead, our licensing team provides a tailored quote after speaking with you about your business plans.  Some of the factors that we consider when preparing our tailored quote include:

  • The authorisations being sought
  • The number (and experience) of responsible managers you nominate
  • The amount of support you are seeking to complete the application and supporting proof documents
  • Whether you need access to a Compliance Manual

Contact our licensing team to request a tailored AFSL application quote for your business.

Applying for an AFSL

You may be asking yourself, “do I need an AFSL?” and are trying to come to grips with the process.  In this video, hear from one of the partners at Holley Nethercote, Paul Derham, about what’s involved in the AFSL application process and the 4 key decisions you need to make before you commence the process.

Crypto assets and Australian financial services licensing

You may need to apply for an AFSL if your business interacts with crypto assets, tokens or stablecoins, or if the relevant cryptos are deemed financial products.  See ASIC’s limited guidance in Info Sheet 225. Also plenty of traditional finance businesses wish to embed crypto-technology into their existing offerings.  We’re helping a vast array of local and international businesses to get licensed to offer crypto-related offerings.

AFSL Applications

Do you need to vary your AFSL?

Does your business undertake activities in relation to an insurance product, such as insurance claims?  You may need to vary your Australian Financial Services Licence to include this new financial service.

Contact our licensing team to discuss the process of varying your AFSL, or speak to one of our financial services lawyers for assistance.

Contact us
AFSL Applications

Useful resources

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Recent Insight
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