
Custom Training

What makes our custom training so unique?

  • Our expertise in financial services law
  • Our trainers (all custom training is run by at least one lawyer)
  • Our practical training style (case studies, role plays, and phone-based, gamified technology tools)

Some of our course options

  • Responsible Manager (RG 105 & RG 206)
  • AML/CTF training course
  • General -v- personal advice
  • Best interests duty
  • Accountants, licensing and financial advice
  • Contracts and competition consumer law
HN Training

Responsible Manager Courses

Our Responsible Manager (RM) training is industry leading.

We run versions including Introductory, Advanced, Culture-focussed, Senior Leader-focussed, and industry-specific, for Responsible Managers, Compliance Staff and Directors of Australian Financial Services Licensees and Australian Credit Licensees.  We also have a version specifically for banks.

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HN Training

AML/CTF Training

Our AML/CTF course is designed for compliance officers and senior leaders.  It helps regulated entities meet their annual training obligations under the AML/CTF Act 2006.  It includes a practical workshop to help you develop your risk-based AML/CTF program.

It will give you the knowledge and skills to identify the risks of regulated businesses being unwittingly involved in money laundering and/or terrorism financing, and to prepare or update your AML/CTF program for the purposes of complying with obligations under the legislation.

HN Training

Online webinars

We run topical webinars for Responsible Managers and compliance staff every month.  The topics vary, but some of the popular topics include monitoring and supervision, licensee reviews, privacy policy, and breach reporting.


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HN Training

HN Hub

Do you want ongoing support in your compliance role?  With our online compliance porta, the HN Hub, you’ll be able to access all your regulatory updates, training and documents all on the one platform.

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